Blizzard Deletes Diablo 4 Season 2 Trailer Full Of Errors

The upcoming Season of Blood in Diablo IV has been highly anticipated by fans, but recently a trailer released by Blizzard had to be taken down due to multiple errors. The video showcased some of the quality-of-life changes players could expect in the new season, but unfortunately, it was riddled with mistakes.

Among the errors, one section of the video mixed up the “before” and “after” comparisons of a rework that would streamline Nightmare Dungeons and increase enemy density within them. Another section mentioned overhauled mounts without providing any visuals or details about what was changing. However, the most noticeable mistake was in the math calculation section, where the video attempted to explain changes in XP and damage calculations.

A slide in the video showed a switch from “1,000 x 40% = 1,040 XP” to “(1,000 x 1.2 = 1,200) 1.2 = 1,400 XP.” Unfortunately, neither of these calculations is mathematically correct. The intention of the slide was to demonstrate that XP percentage bonuses would be multiplied rather than purely additive, resulting in additional gains. While this mistake may seem minor, it added to the overall criticism of the video.

The video was quickly taken down after fans pointed out the errors. However, it didn’t escape the notice of Diablo YouTuber and streamer, Raxxanterax, who created a reaction video highlighting the mistakes and expressing frustration with the misleading content.

Despite the mishap with the trailer, the Season of Blood is still highly anticipated by players. It promises new quests, gear, and major changes to how stats like damage and resistance are calculated. The upcoming patch notes for Season 2 are extensive, with over 10,000 words detailing all the changes.

While Blizzard’s video has received ridicule online, many fans are hopeful that the changes introduced in the Season of Blood will breathe new life into Diablo IV. However, with such significant modifications being implemented simultaneously, it is likely that there will be some bugs and issues that players will discover once the season begins.

All in all, the Season of Blood in Diablo IV brings a mix of excitement and concern for fans. Despite the errors in the trailer video, players are eagerly awaiting the new season and the gameplay improvements it promises. As Blizzard prepares to launch the Season of Blood on October 17, players can expect a fresh experience with the franchise, provided that any issues are swiftly addressed and resolved.

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