Lincoln Tech Dental Assistant Cost

Are you considering a career as a dental assistant and wondering about the cost of education? Look no further than Lincoln Tech’s Dental Assistant Program. In this article, we will provide an overview of the program, including its curriculum, tuition and fees, financial aid options, potential additional costs, and more. If you’re curious about the potential return on investment and whether the program is worth it, keep reading for a comprehensive analysis.

At Lincoln Tech, students can expect to receive top-tier training and education in the field of dental assisting. With a focus on hands-on experience and real-world applications, graduates are well-prepared to enter the workforce with confidence. However, many prospective students are concerned about the cost of attending such a reputable program. We’ll break down all aspects of the program’s expenses so that you can make an informed decision about your future.

In addition to discussing tuition and fees for the Dental Assistant Program, we will provide insight into available financial aid and scholarship options. Housing and living expenses will also be covered, along with potential additional costs such as books, supplies, uniforms, and more.

If you’re curious about how Lincoln Tech’s program stacks up against others in terms of cost, we’ll provide a comparison to other dental assistant programs as well. Keep reading for everything you need to know about Lincoln Tech’s Dental Assistant Program and whether it’s worth the investment.

Overview of the Curriculum and Training

The Lincoln Tech Dental Assistant Program offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the dental industry. The program covers a wide range of topics, including dental anatomy, radiography, chairside assisting, and infection control. Students also receive hands-on training in a simulated dental office environment, allowing them to practice their skills under the guidance of experienced instructors.

The curriculum is divided into both classroom instruction and practical experience, ensuring that students have a well-rounded education that prepares them for the workforce. In addition to learning technical skills, students also develop important soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and professionalism. This holistic approach to education ensures that graduates are well-equipped to excel in their careers as dental assistants.

Key Aspects of the Lincoln Tech Dental Assistant Program

  • Classroom instruction covering topics such as dental terminology, anatomy, and physiology
  • Hands-on training in chairside assisting and instrument sterilization
  • Radiography training using state-of-the-art equipment
  • Simulation of a real dental office environment for practical experience

Overall, the Lincoln Tech Dental Assistant Program provides students with a comprehensive education that prepares them for success in the field. With its focus on both technical skills and professional development, graduates are well-positioned for career advancement and opportunities for increased earning potential.

Tuition and Fees for the Dental Assistant Program

Lincoln Tech’s dental assistant program offers comprehensive training to prepare students for a career in the field of dental assisting. The program covers a wide range of topics including dental anatomy, chairside procedures, and radiography, providing students with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in this profession.

The cost of tuition and fees for the dental assistant program at Lincoln Tech can vary depending on factors such as the campus location and duration of the program. However, prospective students can expect to invest in their future through affordable payment plans and financial aid options.

One of the key benefits of Lincoln Tech’s dental assistant program is the focus on hands-on training and real-world experience. This practical approach ensures that students are not only equipped with theoretical knowledge but also gain valuable clinical skills that are highly sought after in the dental industry.

When considering the cost of attending Lincoln Tech’s dental assistant program, it’s important for prospective students to explore all available financial aid and scholarship options. By taking advantage of these opportunities, students can alleviate some of the financial burden associated with pursuing their education and training in this field.

Overall, while the cost of attending Lincoln Tech’s dental assistant program is an important factor to consider, it’s crucial for individuals interested in this career path to recognize the potential return on investment. With job opportunities expected to grow in the coming years and a competitive salary outlook for trained dental assistants, investing in education at Lincoln Tech could yield long-term benefits.

Financial Aid and Scholarship Options

Lincoln Tech offers various financial aid and scholarship options for students interested in the Dental Assistant Program. The cost of attending the program can seem daunting, but there are several avenues for financial assistance that can make pursuing this career path more affordable.

One of the most common forms of financial aid is federal student aid, which includes grants and loans. To determine eligibility for federal student aid, potential students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Additionally, Lincoln Tech participates in various state and institutional financial aid programs, offering further opportunities for students to receive assistance with tuition costs. It’s important for prospective students to explore all available options to help minimize the out-of-pocket expenses associated with the program.

In addition to federal and state financial aid, Lincoln Tech offers its own scholarships and grants specifically tailored to its Dental Assistant Program. These scholarships may be based on academic achievement, leadership qualities, or other criteria. Students are encouraged to inquire about these opportunities and submit any required applications by the specified deadlines. By taking advantage of these financial aid resources, students can reduce the overall cost of attending Lincoln Tech’s Dental Assistant Program.

Financial Aid Option Description
Federal Student Aid Includes grants and loans; eligible students must complete FAFSA.
State Financial Aid Programs Varies by state; provides additional funding options for eligible students.
Institutional Scholarships Offered by Lincoln Tech; based on academic or leadership criteria.

Housing and Living Expenses

In addition to tuition and fees, students considering Lincoln Tech’s Dental Assistant Program should also take into account housing and living expenses. Depending on the location of the campus they attend, students may have various housing options available to them. Students can opt for on-campus housing, off-campus apartments, or commuting from their current residence.

The cost of living will also vary depending on whether the campus is located in an urban or suburban area. Urban areas tend to have higher housing costs and living expenses compared to suburban areas. It’s important for students to research the cost of living in the area where the Lincoln Tech campus is located to budget appropriately.

For example, at the Lincoln Tech campus in Denver, Colorado, the average cost for a one-bedroom apartment is $1,515 per month. In contrast, at the Iselin campus in New Jersey, the average cost for a one-bedroom apartment is $1,370 per month. These variations can significantly impact a student’s overall expenses while completing the Dental Assistant Program.

Students should also consider other living expenses such as groceries, transportation, utilities, and personal expenses when calculating their total cost of attendance. Understanding these additional costs will help students plan accordingly and avoid any financial surprises during their time in the program.

Location Average Cost of One-Bedroom Apartment
Denver, Colorado $1,515 per month
Iselin Campus in New Jersey $1,370 per month

Potential Additional Costs (Books, Supplies, Uniforms, Etc)

When considering the cost of attending the Lincoln Tech dental assistant program, it’s important to not only factor in tuition and fees but also potential additional costs such as books, supplies, and uniforms. These additional expenses can add up and should be taken into account when planning for the overall cost of the program.

Books and Supplies

As with any educational program, students in the dental assistant program at Lincoln Tech will need to purchase textbooks, lab supplies, and other materials necessary for their coursework. The cost of books and supplies can vary depending on the specific courses being taken, but it’s important for students to budget for these expenses in addition to tuition and fees.


Dental assistants are required to wear specific uniforms while on duty, so students in the program will need to budget for the cost of purchasing these uniforms. This may include scrubs, specialized shoes, and any other required attire. While the cost of uniforms can vary depending on where they are purchased, it’s a necessary expense that should be considered when calculating the total cost of attending the program.

Other Potential Costs

In addition to books, supplies, and uniforms, there may be other potential costs associated with completing the dental assistant program at Lincoln Tech. These could include background checks, vaccinations or health screenings required for clinical rotations, certification exam fees, or any other miscellaneous expenses that may arise throughout the course of training.

Considering all potential additional costs is essential for prospective students to understand the full financial commitment of attending the dental assistant program at Lincoln Tech. By budgeting for books, supplies, uniforms, and other potential expenses upfront and exploring financial aid options if needed students can better prepare themselves for successfully completing their training without being caught off guard by unexpected costs.

Comparison of Cost to Other Dental Assistant Programs

When considering enrolling in a dental assistant program, it’s important to compare the cost of Lincoln Tech’s program to other similar programs. Below is a comparison of the cost of Lincoln Tech’s Dental Assistant Program with other dental assistant programs:

  • Lincoln Tech Dental Assistant Program: The tuition and fees for the dental assistant program at Lincoln Tech are competitive with other similar programs. The program offers extensive hands-on training and a comprehensive curriculum, making it a worthwhile investment for those looking to pursue a career in dental assisting.
  • Local Community College Programs: Some community colleges offer dental assistant programs at a lower cost compared to private institutions like Lincoln Tech. However, these programs may have limited spots available and may not offer the same level of resources and facilities as Lincoln Tech.
  • Online Dental Assistant Programs: Online dental assistant programs may be more affordable than traditional on-campus programs like Lincoln Tech. However, they may lack the hands-on training and practical experience that are essential for becoming a skilled dental assistant.

It’s important to weigh the costs against the benefits when comparing different dental assistant programs. While the upfront cost of the program is an important factor, students should also consider the potential return on investment in terms of job opportunities and earning potential after completing their training.

In addition to tuition and fees, students should also consider any potential additional costs such as books, supplies, uniforms, and certification exam fees. These additional expenses can vary depending on the program and should be factored into the overall cost comparison when evaluating different options for dental assistant training.

Ultimately, when comparing the cost of Lincoln Tech’s Dental Assistant Program to other programs, students should consider not only the price tag but also the quality of education, hands-on training opportunities, support services, and potential career outcomes.

Potential Return on Investment

When considering the cost of attending the Lincoln Tech Dental Assistant Program, it is important to also take into account the potential return on investment in terms of salary and job opportunities. Graduates of the program can look forward to a rewarding career in the growing field of dental assisting, with several opportunities for employment and competitive salaries.

Salary Expectations for Dental Assistants

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for dental assistants was $40,080 in May 2020. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $28,940, while the highest 10 percent earned more than $55,330. It’s important to note that specific salary ranges can vary based on factors such as location, years of experience, and type of dental office or practice.

Job Opportunities in the Field

The demand for dental assistants is projected to grow much faster than average, with an expected 7% increase in employment from 2019 to 2029. This trend is driven by ongoing research linking oral health and general health and an aging population retaining more teeth. Graduates of the Lincoln Tech Dental Assistant Program can expect a wide range of job opportunities in dental offices, orthodontic practices, oral surgery clinics, and other healthcare facilities.

Advancement Opportunities

In addition to competitive salaries and strong job prospects, dental assisting also offers opportunities for career advancement. With experience and further education or training, dental assistants may advance to roles such as office managers, treatment coordinators, or dental hygiene or dental therapy positions. This potential for growth within the field adds even more value to the investment in a quality education from Lincoln Tech’s Dental Assistant Program.

Considering these factors along with other costs related to attending school can help prospective students weigh their options when it comes to pursuing a career as a dental assistant through Lincoln Tech.

Tips for Managing the Cost of the Program

When it comes to pursuing a career as a dental assistant, managing the cost of the program is an important factor to consider. Lincoln Tech Dental Assistant Program offers various options for students to manage and minimize the overall cost of their education. Here are some tips for managing the cost of the program:

Firstly, it’s essential to explore financial aid and scholarship options available for the dental assistant program at Lincoln Tech. The school offers federal financial aid programs, including grants, loans, and work-study opportunities. Students are encouraged to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine their eligibility for these financial aid programs.

Additionally, Lincoln Tech also provides scholarship opportunities for eligible students. It’s recommended that prospective students inquire about available scholarships and apply accordingly to lessen the burden of tuition costs. Furthermore, students should research external scholarship opportunities from organizations and foundations related to the field of dentistry or healthcare.

Another aspect to consider when managing the cost of the program at Lincoln Tech is by budgeting for living expenses and potential additional costs. By creating a monthly budget that includes housing, transportation, food, and other living expenses, students can have a clearer understanding of their overall financial needs during their time in the program. Additionally, students should budget for potential additional costs such as books, supplies, uniforms, and certification exam fees.

By taking advantage of financial aid options, applying for scholarships, and carefully budgeting for living expenses and additional costs, students can effectively manage the cost of pursuing the dental assistant program at Lincoln Tech. With careful planning and utilizing available resources, students can make their education more affordable while preparing for a rewarding career in the field of dental assisting.


In conclusion, the Lincoln Tech Dental Assistant Program offers a comprehensive curriculum and training that prepares students for a successful career in the dental field. While the cost of the program may seem significant, it is important to consider the potential return on investment in terms of salary and job opportunities. With the increasing demand for dental assistants, graduates have the potential to secure well-paying positions in various dental settings.

When considering the overall cost of attending Lincoln Tech’s Dental Assistant Program, it is important for students to explore financial aid and scholarship options. There are several resources available to help offset tuition and fees, making it more feasible for aspiring dental assistants to pursue their education at Lincoln Tech. Additionally, carefully managing housing and living expenses can also contribute to minimizing the overall cost of attending the program.

While there may be potential additional costs such as books, supplies, and uniforms, these should be considered as necessary investments in one’s education and future career. It is also essential for prospective students to compare the cost of Lincoln Tech’s Dental Assistant Program with other similar programs to determine its value.

Ultimately, with proper financial planning and dedication to their education and career goals, many students find that Lincoln Tech’s Dental Assistant Program is indeed worth the cost.

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