Fitbit Screen Won’t Turn On

Are you experiencing the frustration of a Fitbit screen that won’t turn on? Whether you rely on your Fitbit for tracking your fitness goals or simply enjoy using it as a convenient wearable device, dealing with a non-responsive screen can be incredibly frustrating. In this article, we will explore some common causes of this issue and provide step-by-step troubleshooting tips to help you get your Fitbit back up and running.

When your Fitbit screen won’t turn on, it can be puzzling to understand what might have caused the problem. From software glitches to hardware issues, there are several potential reasons why your device may be unresponsive. By understanding these possible causes, you can better equip yourself to address the issue and find a solution.

In the following sections, we will delve into the common causes of a non-responsive Fitbit screen and provide troubleshooting tips to help you diagnose and fix the problem. We will also discuss how to perform a hard and soft reset on your device, the importance of keeping your Fitbit software up to date, and when it may be necessary to contact customer support for assistance.

Additionally, we will address potential issues related to the battery or charging process, as well as any hardware problems that may be affecting your Fitbit’s functionality. We will also provide tips for preventative maintenance to keep your Fitbit screen functioning properly in the future and explore alternative solutions for tracking your fitness if your Fitbit screen cannot be fixed.

Whether you’re new to using a Fitbit or have been relying on one for years, dealing with a non-responsive screen can be a major inconvenience. Our goal is to help you navigate through this frustrating situation and get back on track with your fitness goals. So let’s dive in and start troubleshooting why your Fitbit screen won’t turn on.

Common Causes

Having a Fitbit screen that won’t turn on can be incredibly frustrating, especially for individuals who rely on their device to track their fitness and health goals. In this section, we will explore some of the common causes behind a non-responsive Fitbit screen and provide insights into how you can troubleshoot and potentially resolve the issue.

Water Damage

One of the most common causes of a non-responsive Fitbit screen is water damage. If your device has come into contact with water or sweat, it may affect the functionality of the screen. Water damage can cause corrosion or short circuits within the device, leading to display issues.

Battery Depletion

Another possible reason for a Fitbit screen not turning on is a depleted battery. If your device’s battery has run out of power, the screen may appear blank or unresponsive. It’s important to ensure that your Fitbit is adequately charged to avoid encountering this issue.

Physical Damage

Physical damage, such as dropping your Fitbit or subjecting it to impact, can result in a non-responsive screen. Cracks or internal damage to the display components can prevent the screen from functioning properly.

Software Glitches

Sometimes, software glitches within the Fitbit system can cause the screen to become unresponsive. This could be due to an outdated software version or corrupted files within the device.

Hardware Malfunction

In some cases, a hardware malfunction within the Fitbit device itself may be causing the screen to not turn on. Issues with internal components or wiring can lead to display problems that require professional attention.

By understanding these common causes behind a non-responsive Fitbit screen, you can begin troubleshooting potential issues and work towards finding a solution. In the following section, we will provide step-by-step troubleshooting tips to help you address these issues and get your Fitbit back up and running.

Troubleshooting Tips

Is your Fitbit screen not turning on? This can be frustrating, especially when you rely on your device to track your fitness and health. In this section, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide to troubleshoot and fix the issue of a non-responsive Fitbit screen. Follow these tips to get your device back up and running in no time.

Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you fix a Fitbit screen that won’t turn on:

1. Check the Battery: Ensure that your Fitbit has enough battery power by connecting it to the charger for at least 30 minutes. A low battery may cause the screen to remain black or unresponsive.

2. Restart Your Fitbit: Sometimes a simple restart can solve the problem. Press and hold the button or buttons on your Fitbit for 10-15 seconds until you see the logo on the screen.

3. Clean the Charging Port: Dirt and debris in the charging port can prevent proper connection and charging. Use a soft brush or cloth to clean the charging port carefully.

4. Update Your Fitbit Software: Make sure your Fitbit is running on the latest software version. Check for updates in the app and install them if available.

5. Factory Reset: If all else fails, you may need to perform a factory reset on your Fitbit. This will erase all data from your device, so make sure to back up any important information before proceeding.

By following these troubleshooting tips, you should be able to resolve the issue of a Fitbit screen that won’t turn on. If none of these solutions work, you may need to consider contacting customer support for further assistance or exploring alternative options for tracking your fitness. Remember to perform regular maintenance on your device to prevent future issues with its functionality.

Resetting Your Fitbit

Performing a hard or soft reset on your Fitbit can often resolve the issue of a non-responsive screen. A hard reset is a more drastic measure that should be used when all other troubleshooting steps have failed.

To perform a hard reset on most Fitbit devices, press and hold the button or buttons specified for about 10-15 seconds, until you see the Fitbit logo appear on the screen. This will force a complete shutdown and reboot of the device, which may help to fix any software glitches causing the screen to not turn on.

On the other hand, a soft reset is a less extreme option that can also help to resolve minor issues with your Fitbit. To perform a soft reset, simply restart your device by turning it off and then back on again.

Depending on your specific Fitbit model, this may involve navigating to the Settings menu and finding the option to power off the device. After it has been turned off, turn it back on again and check if the screen now responds as it should.

It’s important to note that performing either type of reset may cause some data loss, such as unsynced activity or settings changes made since your last sync with the Fitbit app. However, if your fitbit screen won’t turn on at all, this may be an acceptable trade-off in order to get your device functioning properly again.

If you have tried both types of resets and are still experiencing issues with your Fitbit screen not turning on, it may be time to consider contacting customer support for further assistance. They will be able to guide you through additional troubleshooting steps or advise whether your device needs to be repaired or replaced.

Software Updates

Why Updating Your Fitbit Software Is Important

Keeping your Fitbit software up to date is crucial for ensuring that your device functions properly. Software updates often include bug fixes, performance improvements, and new features that can enhance the overall experience of using your Fitbit. By regularly updating the software on your device, you can avoid potential compatibility issues and ensure that it runs smoothly.

How to Check for Software Updates

To check for software updates on your Fitbit, you can open the Fitbit app on your smartphone and navigate to the “Account” tab. From there, select your device and look for the option to check for updates. If an update is available, follow the on-screen instructions to download and install it onto your Fitbit.

Benefits of Updating Your Fitbit Software

In addition to resolving any known issues with the device, installing software updates can also improve battery life, fix connectivity issues, and provide access to new features or enhancements. By staying current with software updates, you can ensure that your Fitbit continues to operate at its best.

Ensuring a Smooth Update Process

When updating your Fitbit’s software, it’s important to ensure that the device has sufficient battery life and is connected to a stable internet connection. Additionally, make sure that the update process is not interrupted by keeping your device plugged in during the installation.

Final Thoughts

By keeping your Fitbit software up to date, you can minimize the risk of experiencing issues such as a fitbit screen won’t turn on. Regularly checking for and installing software updates will help maintain the functionality of your device and ensure a smooth user experience. Always be proactive in keeping track of when new updates are available for download so that you can keep enjoying all the benefits of using a Fitbit.

Contacting Customer Support

Is your Fitbit screen still not turning on after trying all the troubleshooting tips? It can be frustrating when you rely on your fitness tracker to monitor your daily activity and it suddenly stops working. When all else fails, it may be time to reach out to Fitbit customer support for assistance. Here’s a guide on when and how to contact them for help.

Fixing Fitbit screen won't turn on issue

When should you consider contacting Fitbit customer support?

– If you have tried all the troubleshooting tips and your Fitbit screen still won’t turn on, it may be time to seek help from the experts.

– If your Fitbit is still under warranty, contacting customer support can lead to a replacement or repair of the device.

– If you encounter any other issues with your Fitbit besides the screen not turning on, such as syncing problems or inaccurate data readings, it may be best to get in touch with customer support for overall assistance.

How to reach out to Fitbit for assistance:

1. Visit the official Fitbit website: You can find helpful resources and contact information on their website.

2. Live chat: Fitbit offers a live chat feature where you can connect with a customer support representative in real-time.

3. Phone support: You can call the Fitbit customer support line for direct assistance with your device.

4. Email support: If you prefer written communication, you can email Fitbit’s customer support team with your concern.

5. Social media: Many companies, including Fitbit, offer customer support through social media platforms such as Twitter or Facebook.

Before reaching out to customer support, make sure to have the following information ready:

Keep in mind that reaching out to customer support can be a helpful solution if your Fitbit screen won’t turn on despite trying various troubleshooting methods. Customer service representatives are trained to assist with technical issues and may provide additional solutions that were not covered in standard troubleshooting guides.

Battery and Charging Issues

Understanding the frustration that comes with a Fitbit screen not turning on is crucial for anyone who relies on their device to track their fitness and health. When your Fitbit screen won’t turn on, it can be a major inconvenience, especially if you’re used to using it daily to monitor your activity levels, heart rate, and sleep patterns.

One of the common causes of a non-responsive Fitbit screen is related to battery and charging issues. If your Fitbit is not charged properly or if there is an issue with the battery, it can result in the screen not turning on. It’s important to explore these potential problems in order to troubleshoot and address the issue effectively.

To start addressing potential battery and charging issues when your Fitbit screen won’t turn on, begin by checking the charging cable and port for any damage or debris that may be preventing a proper connection. Ensure that the charging cable is securely plugged into a power source and that the device is properly aligned on the charger.

Another troubleshooting step you can take is to try using a different charging cable or power source to rule out any issues with the original charger. Additionally, it may be helpful to clean both the charging cable and port on your Fitbit to remove any dirt or grime that could be interfering with the charging process.

In some cases, a hard reset of your Fitbit may also help resolve battery-related issues causing the screen not to turn on. Perform a hard reset by holding down the button on your device for 10-15 seconds until you see the Fitbit logo appear on the screen. This can sometimes help recalibrate the battery and restore functionality to your device.

When experiencing persistent battery or charging issues that prevent your Fitbit screen from turning on, it may be necessary to contact customer support for further assistance. However, taking these initial steps in troubleshooting potential battery-related problems can often help resolve the issue without needing additional support from Fitbit.

Common Causes Battery/Charging Issues
Depleted battery Check charging cable and port for damage/debris
Charging cable malfunction Try using different charging cable/power source
Dirty charging port/connection Clean both charging cable & port

Hardware Problems

When your Fitbit screen won’t turn on, it can be easy to assume that the issue is purely related to software or charging problems. However, in some cases, the root cause may actually lie in hardware issues. Identifying and addressing these problems is crucial in getting your Fitbit back to full functionality.

One of the most common hardware problems that can lead to a non-responsive Fitbit screen is physical damage. If your device has been dropped or exposed to water, it may have incurred internal damage that is preventing the screen from turning on. In such cases, it’s important to carefully inspect your Fitbit for any signs of external damage and consider seeking professional repair services if necessary.

How to resolve Fitbit screen won't turn on

Another hardware issue that could be affecting your Fitbit screen is a malfunctioning power button. Over time, the power button on your device may become stuck or unresponsive, making it difficult to turn the screen on or off. If you suspect that this may be the cause of your issue, try gently pressing the power button multiple times to see if it responds. If not, you may need to have the power button repaired or replaced.

In addition to physical damage and power button issues, issues with the internal components of your Fitbit can also prevent the screen from turning on. This could include problems with the display module or other essential hardware components. In such cases, attempting a hard reset or troubleshooting tips may not resolve the issue, and seeking professional assistance from a certified technician may be necessary.

If you suspect that hardware problems are behind your Fitbit screen not turning on, it’s important not to attempt any DIY repairs unless you have experience and expertise in handling electronic devices. Instead, reach out to Fitbit customer support or visit an authorized service center for further assistance in diagnosing and solving any hardware issues affecting your device.

It’s crucial to remember that attempting unauthorized repairs on your Fitbit could void any existing warranty or protection plans you have for your device. Therefore, it’s always best to seek professional assistance when dealing with potential hardware problems that may be impacting the functionality of your fitness tracker.

Preventative Maintenance

Regular Cleaning and Inspections

One of the best ways to prevent your Fitbit screen from malfunctioning is by regularly cleaning and inspecting the device. Sweat, dirt, and other debris can build up on the screen, affecting its responsiveness. Use a soft, lint-free cloth to gently wipe the screen and remove any build-up that may be hindering its performance. Additionally, inspect the charging ports and sensors for any signs of damage or blockages that could impact the device’s functionality.

Avoiding Extreme Conditions

Extreme temperatures and moisture can negatively impact electronic devices like Fitbit. To prevent your Fitbit screen from not turning on due to exposure to extreme conditions, avoid wearing your device in environments with high humidity or temperature fluctuations. Similarly, refrain from exposing your Fitbit to excessive sweat during intense workouts or swimming, as this can affect its internal components.

Proper Charging Habits

Maintaining proper charging habits is crucial for preventing issues with your Fitbit’s screen. Avoid letting the battery completely drain before recharging, as this can cause stress on the device. Instead, try to keep your Fitbit charged between 20% and 80% to extend its lifespan. Additionally, use only the official charger provided by Fitbit or a trusted third-party source to ensure a safe and efficient charging process.

Regular Software Updates

Another key aspect of preventative maintenance for your Fitbit is keeping its software up to date. Regularly check for and install any available updates through the Fitbit app on your smartphone. Software updates often include bug fixes and improvements that can help address potential issues with your device’s screen responsiveness.

Gentle Handling

Finally, practicing gentle handling of your Fitbit can go a long way in preventing damage that may affect its screen functionality. Avoid dropping or roughly handling your device, especially if it has a touchscreen display. Treat it with care to minimize the risk of hardware damage that could lead to a non-responsive screen.

By implementing these preventative maintenance tips, you can help ensure that your Fitbit screen remains functioning properly in the future, minimizing the chances of encountering issues such as a fitbit screen won’t turn on.

Alternative Solutions

If you have exhausted all troubleshooting tips, performed soft and hard resets, updated your Fitbit software, and contacted customer support to no avail, it may be time to consider alternative options for tracking your fitness if your Fitbit screen won’t turn on. While nothing can truly replace the convenience and features of a Fitbit device, there are several alternatives that can help you continue monitoring your physical activity and health metrics.

Here are some alternative solutions to consider:

1. Use a Smartphone App: Many smartphones have built-in pedometer apps or health tracking features that can monitor your steps, distance traveled, and even heart rate. You can simply keep your phone in your pocket or wear it on an armband to track your daily activity.

2. Purchase a Fitness Tracker: There are numerous other fitness tracker brands available on the market with similar features to Fitbit. Research and invest in another reputable fitness tracker that fits your needs and budget.

3. Wearable Smartwatches: Consider purchasing a smartwatch from brands like Apple, Samsung, Garmin, or Polar that offer advanced fitness tracking capabilities along with additional smart features.

4. Gym Equipment Tracking: If you primarily exercise at the gym, many cardio machines such as treadmills or ellipticals have built-in tracking features that monitor your workout metrics.

5. Manual Tracking: While it may be more tedious, you can manually track your workouts and physical activities using a journal or spreadsheet to log distances walked or run, exercise duration, heart rate during workouts etc.

It’s important to remember that while these alternative solutions can help fill the gap left by a non-responsive Fitbit screen, they may not provide the same level of convenience or seamless integration as a functioning Fitbit device. However, exploring these options will allow you to continue monitoring your fitness levels until you are able to resolve the issue with your Fitbit screen not turning on.


In conclusion, dealing with a Fitbit screen that won’t turn on can be incredibly frustrating. However, understanding the common causes, troubleshooting tips, and potential solutions can help you get your device back up and running in no time.

It’s important to remember that common causes of a non-responsive Fitbit screen include issues with the battery or charging process, software updates, and hardware problems. By following the step-by-step troubleshooting guide provided in this article, you can identify and address these issues effectively.

Additionally, performing a hard or soft reset on your Fitbit may also help resolve the problem. This process can often reset any glitches or malfunctions that are causing the screen to remain dark.

Keeping your Fitbit software up to date is also crucial in ensuring that your device functions properly. By regularly checking for and installing software updates, you can prevent potential issues with your Fitbit screen from arising.

If all else fails, don’t hesitate to reach out to Fitbit’s customer support for assistance. They can provide further guidance and support in troubleshooting and potentially repairing your device.

In summary, while it can be frustrating when a Fitbit screen won’t turn on, there are several steps that can be taken to address the issue. By staying informed about preventative maintenance and alternative solutions as well, you can ensure that your fitness tracking needs are still met even if your Fitbit screen cannot be fixed immediately.

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