LinkedIn notifies users when someone views their profile. Here’s how to disable this feature.

LinkedIn is known as a professional networking platform where users can connect with colleagues, find job opportunities, and showcase their skills. However, one aspect of LinkedIn that many users may find surprising is its transparency when it comes to surveillance features.

Unlike other social media platforms that try to conceal the extent of their tracking of user activity, LinkedIn is upfront about how it gathers data on its users. For example, every time a user views someone else’s profile on LinkedIn, the owner of that profile is notified. This can be both a helpful tool for job seekers looking to follow up with potential employers, but it can also be a source of frustration for those who value their privacy.

Paid users on LinkedIn have even more access to data on who has viewed their profiles, with the ability to see a full list of everyone who has looked at their profile in the past year. This level of transparency may be unsettling to some users, prompting them to question the extent of their online visibility.

Fortunately, LinkedIn does offer users the option to customize their viewing settings to maintain a level of privacy. By accessing the Settings and Privacy section of the platform, users can choose between different visibility options when viewing other profiles. This includes options such as displaying their name and headline, showing private profile characteristics, or browsing in private mode to maintain secrecy.

Ultimately, the decision to share viewing permissions on LinkedIn is a personal choice, with different users valuing the information in different ways. Whether users prefer to maintain a level of privacy or embrace the transparency of their online interactions, LinkedIn provides the tools to customize their experience on the platform.


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