1582 Rheims New Testament
A facsimile of the original 1582 Rheims New Testament. A must read for Traditional Catholics and all students of religion. This edition is a true and complete facsimile as it was originally published in 1582. Nothing has been altered or removed. Contains all books of the New Testament along with original notes, arguments, indexes, tables and much more.FROM THE INTRODUCTION: TRANSLATED FAITHFULLY INTO ENGLISH, out of the authentical Latin, according to the best corrected copies of the same, diligently conferred with the Greek and other editions in divers languages; with ARGUMENTS of books and chapters, ANNOTATIONS, and other necessary helps, for the better understanding of the text, and specially for the discovery of the CORRUPTIONS of divers late translations, and for clearing the CONTROVERSIES in religion, of these days.PLEASE NOTE: Being a facsimile of the original text, some areas containing smaller marginal text may be difficult to read or even illegible.