A Brief History of Woodbridge, New Jersey
Product Description
Although a relatively peaceful suburb today, Woodbridge is anything but a placid place to hang your hat. Hero Natty Fitz Randolph became enshrined in local lore for his daring attacks on the British during the Revolutionary War. Rich clay deposits sparked the city’s industrial revolution, bringing fortune and soaring architecture to the area. And the death-defying 1951 escape from a sinking freighter by Danish immigrant Captain Henrik Kurt Carlsen earned him commendations from both President Harry S. Truman and King Frederick IX of Denmark. Award-winning writer Phill Provance surveys Woodbridge through more than three hundred years of history.
About the Author
Having spent many formative years in Woodbridge, New Jersey, prize-winning author Phill Provance visits his many friends and family in the Greater Woodbridge area every summer. A graduate of West Virginia Wesleyan’s MFA in poetry and creative nonfiction, he currently lives near Chicago with his son, Ledger. He is happy to bring the writing chops he honed among his friends at the Barron Arts Center to bear in helping the town that gave him so much commemorate its 350th anniversary.