Al-Waadih Fee Usool Ul-Fiqh: The Clear in Respect to Usool ul-Fiqh (The Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence)
Al-Waadih in Usool ul-Fiqh is in my view a blessing for all those wishing to study the Islamic Science of Usool ul-Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence). Many modern books have been written in this subject area in both Arabic and English attempting to present this subject area to those yearning to understand it. However, the style of the author, Ash-Sheikh Muhammad Hussein Abdullah, (May Allah preserve him) is distinguished from others in terms of his ability to present the subject in a very well organised and well-explained easy manner that enables the reader to absorb this subject area. This is not the most advanced book ever to be written in the subject area of Usool ul-Fiqh but it explains clearly all of the main areas related to this important Islamic science. It is in my opinion the best book in Usool ul-Fiqh available in the English language and the best initial book in the Arabic language. It pleased me greatly to come across it and benefit from it just as it gave me great pleasure to be able to translate it and present it to the English reading audience so that they too can benefit from it by Allah’s permission. May Allah reward the author greatly and place this effort heavily upon his scale of Hasanaat. Aameen.