Al-Wirdul Aam: The General Litany for Purification, Blessings & Spiritual Elevation (The Wirdul Aam Series)
Al-Wirdul ʿAam: The General Litany for Purification, Blessings & Spiritual Elevation is the foundational Dhikr of the Seeker. Originally composed by Quṭb Ar-Rabbani Imam Abul Ḥasan Ash-Shādhilī (radiallāhu ʿanhu), this celebrated Litany contains three mainstays indispensable in the Journey back to Almighty Allah ﷻ. Its formula is balanced on prompts from the Holy Qurʾān, compelling itself as the threshold and anchor into the Shadhili Way. Daily recitation of the Wird is a monumental move into devotional inroads that all ranks of Seeker can cultivate immeasurable spiritual profit from. This Wird as attested to by the ʿĀrifīn and the Masters of its Ṭarīqah has long been cherished as a never-ending spiritual banquet for those firm on its Path. It is then fitting why the Wird is as indigenous as it is paramount to the Path. As presented by Shaykh Faiṣal Hāmid ʿAbdur-Razāk, the aspiration for this Wird is for those seeking firm grounding in Islamic Sunni spirituality. Not only is this title the entryway into the Shadhili Way, it is the namesake for a series of spiritual glosses on the Wirdul ʿAam further elucidated on by the Shaykh.