BEARDED DRAGON CARE GUIDE: The Beginners Guide On How To Raise And Breed Bearded Dragon.
Learn all about breeding bearded dragons, including the method to set up for your bearded dragon, instructions give your bearded dragon a bath; learn the history and characteristics of the different types of bearded dragons; discover how to pick up bearded dragons as pets or for breeding; create a comfortable habitat for your bearded dragon, emulating nature with proper heat and lighting; understand typical bearded-dragon behavior and personality quirks; learn how to feed your dragon a nutritionally sound diet throughout its life; learn how to recognize signs of disease and how to handle health issues; explore detailed health and feeding charts, and find helpful answers to dragon owners’ frequently asked questions on tank size, feeder crickets, shedding issues, UVB, tail rot, and more. As a special bonus, you’ll also find vividly illustrated chapters on beautiful color morphs and the care and breeding of frilled dragons.