Bee Venom Therapy for Lyme Disease
Bee Venom Therapy for Lyme Disease is a detailed guide through the BVT for Lyme and co-infections treatment protocol. It is swarming with the information you will need to perform this safely and effectively for the best possible outcome. You will also find chapters on Mast cells, bee venom components and how they affect the body, along with saving the bees. The amazing story of how this was founded and created by Ellie Lobel and her incredible journey to complete health after many years of battling Lyme Disease and Babesia when she was given only months to live. How a surprise killer bee attack changed her fate and launched the research into bee venom and Lyme Disease. She has given generously of her time to help others out of the darkness of Lyme suffering. Many have already regained a quality of life. She has supported research and traveled the country for 2 years, educating and teaching other sufferers how to save themselves utilizing her Bee Venom therapy for Lyme protocol. Now you can have the information at your fingertips. This was written specifically keeping those in mind who are cognitively impaired by tick borne infections. This is an easy to use guide. Easy to follow, step by step instructions. Easy to understand things that either contraindicate or compliment this protocol. Easy to follow detox and supplement chapters and a bonus at the end of some of the other amazing Lyme BVT’ers in pictures. No, you are not alone. We are a large and growing community of Lyme sufferers helping each other out of this darkness. We are Lyme and tick born disease survivors. Inside these pages you will find enough detailed information to know if this is the right path for you. No one said it would be easy, they only said it would be worth it. A quality of life worth living, is everything. Lyme disease is HELL with no HOPE, Bee venom therapy for Lyme is HELL with HOPE . And so much more.