Beneath the Hood: a retelling woven with biblical truth
A familiar tale woven with biblical truth that even adults struggle to remember.
Little Red stands safe with basket in hand, but the King has given her a task and a path to walk. She is afraid of what might be in the forest. Her sister reminds Little Red that she’s a child of the King, and she won’t be alone. Once inside the dark forest, Little Red meets some wolves with many questions. The wolves doubt she will finish the King’s errand. The wolves cause distraction and tempt Little Red to step off the path at every turn. Can she remember who she is to finish the King’s errand?
This is a reclaiming of a classic tale to solidify a biblical truth.
Beneath the Hood is an allegorical tale of the Christian faith. We are given the task to be God’s hands and feet, but often forget that our identity rests in being a child of the King of Kings. We often get distracted by the world around us and are tempted to leave our faith behind or choose comfort over calling. May this book encourage both parents and children to hold with confidence our identity and purpose as children of God.
“Beneath the Hood” is a richly spiritual take on a familiar tale. There are so many moments in this story to have deeper conversations with your child, and I daresay that adults reading the story might find themselves wiping away a tear as they remember their true identity as well.” Christie Thomas, author of
Quinn’s Promise Rock
“Valerie Fentress has created an altogether new story from the classic children’s tale Little Red Riding Hood. Tucked within the pages of
Beneath the Hood, Valerie has woven Biblical themes that address our child’s identity as a daughter / son of The King, while inviting each parent to remember that they are The King’s beloved child too. Your kids will love the story and illustrations, and you will appreciate the conversation starters at the end of the book! Take the journey with Little Red with your family!”
Wendy Speake, co-author of the popular parenting book, Triggers: Exchanging Parents’ Angry Reactions for Gentle, Biblical Responses