Bonsai Care for Beginners: A Beginner’s Guide to Cultivating, Shaping and Looking After a Bonsai Tree Year-Round
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The art of trimming, shaping and pruning bonsai trees is ending up being of the fastest-growing hobbies in America. There is a good reason behind that and you can also jump onto the craze and have a lot of fun with creating numerous Bonsai trees. Showing you how to do that is what this book is all about.
What art of Bonsai boils down to is taking a tree that is supposed to grow very tall and only letting it grow a foot or two. Even though a plant may be tiny, it does take time for the Bonsai to grow, and in our fast-paced world, anyone with enough patience to see this whole process through deserves a pat on the back. The journey is well worth it since you can count on the fact that you will learn a lot about yourself and about how far your discipline and patience can really go. Don’t be fooled by the size of a tree; even though it is small, the rewards are immense.
In this book you can expect to learn about:
•Several styles of Bonsai sculpting
•Should you grow Bonsai inside or outside
•Picking the best species of trees
•Making sure that the tree doesn’t grow more than it should
•And much more!
It doesn’t matter if you don’t have prior gardening and cultivating experience. With a little bit of guidance and patience, you can also find out firsthand why this particular art form is revered by the increasingly more people.
If you are ready to add a touch of class to your home and your garden, then scrolling over to the BUY button and clicking is the first step towards doing so.