Buckingham 17905H4 Buckinghamv Ergopro Saddle/Harness Combo
From fall arrest with optional harness, to fall restraint, to work positioning, buckingham’s Ergo Pro tree saddle and harness Combo covers it all. This saddle is the latest Edition in the Ergo line and was developed between Buckingham manufacturing and certified arborist ED Carpenter and his physical-therapist sibling door amanda Carpenter. This saddle-harness combination is rated for fall arrest so it can be used for fall protection in a bucket truck. This Combo is ideal for those who like to transition from the bucket to the tree all while keeping you in compliance with OSHA standards. The Ergo Pro was designed to fit a range of climbing styles and motions and is one of our lightest saddles available making this saddle-harness Combo extremely versatile and one of the most well-thought-out products on the market. The two adjustment points on the dorsal pad allow for users with larger necks to adjust out, or in for those with smaller necks. The adjustment feature allows for zero or extremely limited rubbing of the harness webbing on areas of your neck and shoulders and provides near-perfect adaptability for all kinds of body types.