Can you spare me a smile?: a copious compendium of comedic commentary
Can you spare me a smile?a copious compendium of comedic commentary.
A fine line exists between fact and fiction… menus and meals, historical and hysterical, misspelling and Miss Pelling, between “WTF? Go for it!” and “OMG! Forgo it!” This long awaited offspring of Scott Jones’ “Life in the Laugh Lane” book lurches back and forth across that line.
Ever wanted to strangle a Salesperson? Revel in “Counter or Counterproductive Help?”
Or experience Asia without setting foot there? Safely savor “INDIA: A Hip Story” and “Thailand is Not Fargo.”
Are you battling garden critters, voracious caterpillar, AWOL chickens, or a bear in the woods? Discover innovative combat strategies in “Blue-eyed Monsters,” “The War at Home,” “Bear with Me,” and “FLICK ’em!”
324 pages, 208 pictures, and a cornucopia of tales destined to split your sides!
Author Bio: Scott Jones has written humor columns (“Life in the Laugh Lane,” “Humor Me,” “Jest A Minute,” “Innocent Bystander,” “The Marble Column”) for newspapers and magazines in the USA and Thailand (Bangkok Post, Chiang Mai Post, Chiang Mai Mail, and Cynosure newspapers, Encounter, Tom Yum, and Programming magazines). He has authored two novels (Five Lives One Dream and FLESH and BLOOD and DNA) and two humor books, recorded four albums of original music, and performed his unique style of music, comedy, and stand-up photography in Asia, Canada, and all 50 states in America. (“I traveled a lot. With a show like mine, you had to keep moving.”) He currently lives in Thailand with his wife and Chance the Husky, whose name has evolved into Chancellor, the Exalted Ruler of Their General Vicinity.