Champions of Change: The Manager’s Guide to Creating Sustainable Business Process Improvements
This book is a teaching tool for all managers. It educates managers on theconcepts and tools needed to make changes in the areas for which they haveaccountability. By reading this book the reader will be able to:- Manage change effectively Implement process improvements using a step-by-stepmethodology
– Discover the power of quality concepts like Six Sigma and ISO
– Add an arsenal of effective process improvement tools to yourtool belt
– Gain creative insights into project management of processimprovement initiatives
– Build a Return on Investment model to prove the ROI on yourprojects
– Glean creative insights for conducting data analysis and buildingdata collection instruments
– Read hundreds of examples from world-class organizations
Detailed case studies from 1) Finance and Accounting, 2) Human Resources,3) Supply Chain, 4) Customer Relationship Management, and 5)Information Resource Management add to the practicality of the book. Thebook is a one-stop shop for any manager targeted for leadership potential.
“This book is a powerful reference source for any individual tasked with making changes andimproving business processes. It is a must read for any consultant or change agent.”– Ajay Sharma, Microsoft Corporation
“Jeffrey has written a necessary book that any manager should read before they engage in aprocess improvement initiative. The cases and tools provide the detail needed to put theconcepts in practice on the job.”
– Dr. Jack Phillips, author, consultant, and founder of the Jack Phillips Center forResearch, a division of Franklin Covey