College Algebra: Concepts and Models
College Algebra: Concepts and Models was the first college algebra text to be developed specifically for students who may not be proceeding on to calculus or upper-level math courses, but who need a solid understanding of algebra for their social sciences and liberal arts majors. It encourages student understanding of algebra through the use of modeling techniques and real-data applications. Optional use of technology is carefully integrated throughout the text.
A text-specific web site offers instructor and student resources, including chapter-by-chapter online tutorials for the student. Also available on the web site are the Programs appendix and Career Interviews section.
Chapter Openers and Chapter Projects have been updated to reflect current topics and data.
Section Openers now include a set of learning objectives for each section.
Real Data Application examples have been updated or replaced with new applications.
Technology Boxes have been revised to remove references to specific programs or calculator models.
Exercise Sets include additional and updated skill exercises and applications.
Chapter Summaries have been rewritten to link the section objectives to the Review Exercises.