Conscious Awakening: A Research Compendium for Starseeds Wanderers and Lightworkers (1)
Product Description
YOUR JOURNEY TO ACTUAL REALITY BEGINS HERE. This is your Wake-Up Call. The universe has been guiding you on a path to enlightenment that begins with the key resource book CONSCIOUS AWAKENING. The Book begins with Why and How We Were Created – Who is God, the primary four races and their descendants, and the creation myth each was given. Where Am I From is presented within the Chapter – ALTERNATE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE and Earth, beginning with where you were before THE TREE OF LIFE and before the supercontinents of Earth (Pangaea, Mu), the colonization of Earth, Lemuria, Atlantis, the dispersion of the various peoples and the Great Floods (more than one). This is followed by Who Am I and a description of the 58 Species throughout the Universe that several Astronauts have alluded to. Why Am I Here is presented within several Chapters, such as Life Lessons of the Soul and The Lesson of Love. Of Course, the Book addresses the eons old struggle between the Beings that are Service-to-Self and those that are Service-to-Others, which resulted in the Galactic Wars, starting 22-million years ago. What is my Mission is presented in Chapters that address the various “ages” of the Earth, the Rising Frequency of the Earth, the spread of Consciousness of the Soul and the Individual, the various Levels of Consciousness, as reflected within our individual Vibrational Frequencies, and the Quality of our Light. If you are and Old Soul, there is a discussion of how you fit into a World that is made up of Young Souls, Mature Souls, Wanders, and Star Travelers; included is a list of traits for Old Souls, New Souls, Young Souls, and Mature Soulsts. Other Chapters discuss the 13 Dimensions, Spiritual Protection (how to protect yourself from Darkness), a discussion on the Various Universes and which is ours, Glimpses of Enlightenment and where we see it now, The Five Stages of Waking Up, the Nine Types of Lightworkers, and the Disclosures that will soon be revealed and the “spin” the Dark Force will place on those disclosures. Where We are Today and How to Reclaim Your Power is, also, presented.By reading the Book, you will become well grounded in who you are and why you are here. You will also learn a few Exercises to Becoming Grounded, Connecting With the Universe, and Removing the Blockage Between the Right and Left Brain.The Book is available at numerous online & brick-and mortar book retailers. It is a key resource for Old and New Souls, Starseeds, Indigo Children, Wanderers, Star Travelers, and anyone who is Waking Up to Reality.YOUR JOURNEY TO ACTUAL REALITY BEGINS BY BUYING THE BOOK CONSCIOUS AWAKENING – ACTUAL REALITY BEGINS BY READING THIS BOOK
About the Author
John 8:32: ‘Then you will know the truth and the truth will make you free.’Even as a child Arlene Lanman knew she came from the stars. She’s experienced some very strange things, such as signs and symbols, with the universe guiding her on a certain path that started as a near-daily dream, a childhood nightmare of running in pitch blackness, as if running away from the boogeyman. The dream changed over time. Eventually, Arlene could see that the path extended through the Murky Woods (as described within The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien), and there, a voice boldly directed her to “stay on the path.”The path led to a Degree in Architectural Design and Engineering, marriage, children and eventually becoming an Engineering Manager. At the age of 49, the path ended at an ancient gate at the edge of the forest, with a beautiful mountain meadow beyond that had no pathway. Free to explore the universe on her own, she has experienced much that cannot be explained, always aware that true reality is beyond what we see, taste, touch, feel and hear. Three years ago Lanman developed the urge to find out who she really was. This led to recording the research results of her enlightenment within this compendium in the hope that others can discover the roots of their own journey t