CUCUMBER GARDENING FOR BEGINNERS: Step by Step Guide To Growing Cucumber From Seed To Harvest
No summer garden is complete without cucumbers.Cucumber are very easy to grow and are very prolific. Planted in a section of the garden that receives full sun and has an evenly moist, fertile soil, success in growing cucumbers is almost guaranteed. Like other summer vine crops, cucumbers are heavy feeders and demand a steady supply of water. Work plenty of organic matter (compost, well-rotted manure) into the soil before planting to help it retain moisture and to provide the nutrients the cucumber plants will need throughout the season. A soil pH of 6.8 or higher is preferred.If space is limited, cucumbers will do just fine on a patio or deck if it receives full sun. Bush cucumber varieties like ‘Sald Bush’,’ ‘Bush Champion’ and ‘Pickle bush’ can be grown in containers. A five-gallon or larger pot can easily support one or two plants and provide fresh cukes all summer long.