Do I Need a Will or a Trust?
“Do I need a will or a trust?”
I’ve learned that rewording a question can be just as valuable as answering it. A better question is “Do I need a trust?” Everyone needs a will, with few to no exceptions. In fact, in the 12th and 13th centuries, the Catholic Church considered it a sin not to create a will, a fact you might want to remember when you put it off again. When considering whether you should create a trust, this book explores the following concepts:
Blended Family Protection,
Protect your minor children,
Avoid probate,
Protect your estate from creditors,
Advance tax planning,
Protect your spouse from your children,
Protect your children from your spouse,
Assist disabled people,
Protect against addiction,
Protect against a spendthrift,
Protect your privacy,
Offer multi-generational benefits,
Professional management of property,
Protect your assets from yourself,
Grant trust protector powers,
Long Term Care Protection, and
Protecting Interest in Land.