Don’t Cut Me Again! True Stories about Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (Vbac)


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Product Description

Once a cesarean, always a cesarean? Not quite! Have you had a cesarean section (c-section) and are you pregnant again? Is your doctor or hospital trying to force you to undergo another c-section, just because you’ve had one previously? Are they spewing statistics about the potential consequences of Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBAC), but not telling you how dangerous another c-section can be? Across the country and the world, women are being forced to undergo major abdominal surgery against their wishes, often for the convenience and profits of the doctors and hospitals. Yes, a c-section is often billed at much higher rates than a vaginal delivery! Would it surprise you to know that many doctors do, in fact, support VBACs in healthy women, but are instead allowing the hospital and their own insurance company to dictate the medical care you’re about to receive? That’s right! Your doctor’s insurance company, not your physician, may be directing your care right now! In these pages, you’ll read true stories from women who refused to submit to the medical community’s threats and fear-tactics. These courageous moms instinctively knew what was best for their babies and themselves and, after having a prior c-section, they successfully birthed their babies vaginally. DON’T BECOME A STATISTIC! If you feel you’re being forced into a cesarean against your will, or if you’re trying find the courage to attempt a VBAC and don’t know where to turn, read this book.

From the Author

I was stunned and angered when I was told I would not be permitted to birth my fifth child vaginally, even though I’d had three successful vaginal births and only one previous c-section. My research into this ludicrous practice revealed a nationwide trend of hospitals forcing women to have major, and often unnecessary, surgery against their wishes. My pleas for help led me to other women who had already successfully done what I wanted to do, have a VBAC! Their courageous, sometimes painful, and often humorous birth stories appear herein.

About the Author

Angela Hoy is well-known in the online freelance writing community as the publisher and editor of, a site that publishes new freelance jobs and paying markets for writers every Wednesday. She is also a vocal advocate for writers’ rights, publishing numerous articles on how writers can protect themselves from deadbeat editors and publishers, as well as common industry scams. She created and moderates the Whispers and Warnings forum on, where writers can share experiences with deadbeat companies. She has one traditionally published book (How to Publish and Promote Online, St. Martins Press), as well as nine self-published titles.

Her interest in VBACs and the practice of doctors pressuring women into unnecessary c-sections started when she was told she could not birth her fifth child naturally. Angela has five children (three birthed the old-fashioned way, one c-section and a VBAC).

Don’t Cut Me Again! True Stories about Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (Vbac)
Don’t Cut Me Again! True Stories about Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (Vbac)


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