Einfach Deutsch lesen: Nie wieder Merle? – Kurzgeschichten – Niveau: leicht – With English vocabulary list (German Edition)
„Nie wieder Merle?“ (A2) is a sequel to „Immer wieder Sascha“ (A1/A2).
Nach einer langen Reise ist Sascha wieder zurück in seinem Körper. Endlich kann er Zeit mit Merle verbringen, die er vor einigen Tagen kennengelernt hat. Aber dann ist Merle weg und niemand weiß, wo sie ist. Zusammen mit Yannik beginnt Sascha eine verrückte Suche in verschiedenen Städten. Wie können sie Merle finden und wieder nach Hause bringen? Es gibt aber noch ein zweites Problem: Wer ist dieses Mädchen mit den roten Haaren und dem Pizzakarton, das um 7 Uhr morgens in Saschas Wohnzimmer steht?
Why on earth would you read in German?
Even Mark Twain said, “When a German dives into a sentence, you won’t see him again until he emerges at the other end with the verb between his teeth.” So, isn’t reading German just frustrating and tiring, making you want to rip the pages out of the book?! Well, it doesn’t have to be. This is where books like the Einfach Deutsch lesen series come in, which prove that reading can boost your language knowledge and be enjoyable at the same time.
What is our motto?
Plot and characters always come first. Offering stories the room they need to evolve is paramount to creating depth and to breathing life into the characters.
Vocabulary and grammar are then adapted to the level indicated on the book cover. These levels are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Familiar vocabulary is reinforced and new words are gradually introduced in context, without causing the reader frustration.
What can you await from the Einfach Deutsch lesen series?
You can expect:
engaging stories with twists and turns that will keep your attention until the very last page
three-dimensional characters you can laugh and cry with (mostly laugh with, though)
realistic and authentic dialogues
reinforcement of vocabulary through subtle repetition, while allowing you to pick up new words as you go along, in stories that are written entirely in German
German-English translation of new and important words at the end of each chapter or, in the more recent books, at the bottom of the page
free downloadable vocabulary, comprehension and grammar exercises (with solutions), which can also be used as teaching material in classrooms
lots of giggles and heaps of fun – most importantly!