Grand Jury Awake: TACTICAL CIVICS™ Field Handbook Volume 2
Corrupt government, media, Big Tech and foreign enemies have used machines and corrupt big city minions to falsify elections for decades. Corrupt judges and lawyers have been overthrowing our Constitution, civilization, and rule of law. These corrupt forces enslave productive America, demonize and intimidate Christians, patriots, and Caucasians. They erase our culture, open the floodgates of illegal alien cheap labor and sure votes, and outlaw truth and constitutional restraints to turn the New World into another Europe.
The hijacking began during Lincoln’s war and the 12-year ‘reconstruction’ that followed. Washington D.C. slipped the Constitution’s chains, replaced silver U.S. dollars demanded by law with worthless paper, killed the states’ Militias, and then in state after state, began killing off Grand Jury, which is the People’s ancient institution to arrest criminals.
No state can deny or abolish Grand Jury; that violates the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments. Yet state legislatures have all but done so; and state judges resist impaneling Grand Juries. And all because we are ignorant of civics.
Grand Jury is half of the People’s ancient law enforcement; the other half is Militia (see Volume 3). TACTICAL CIVICS™ is launching county chapters to restore both ancient institutions to maintain law and arrest corruption before America is lost. This book shows you step by step, how to do it.