Greece (A. Galaxy Book)
Product Description
Greece is a companion volume to the paperback edition of
Rome, and with it comprises the greater part of Rostovzeff’s major work,
A History of the Ancient World. From the appearance of prehistoric Aegean settlements, through the rise of the city states, to the diffusion of Hellenistic culture after the conquests of Alexander, Greek history is recounted and set in the larger perspective of ancient Mediterranean civilization. Told from the point of view of historian, archaeologist, and connoisseur,
Greece is not only an exact study but also an appreciation of that civilization which “still lives, as the foundation of all the chief manifestations of modern culture.”
For this paperback edition, Elias J. Bickerman has completed a new and comprehensive bibliography and emended the text and chronology in accordance with contemporary research. The maps have been redrawn to conform with recent scholarship. The thirty-seven plates include photographs of newly discovered material as well as many illustrations retained from the original edition.
“A classic work that stands up to the test of time. Lucid, clearly articulated and an excellent backbone for an upper-level course on Greek history.”–Joseph, Byrne, West Georgia College
“Extremely useful text–clear, lucid, and to the point….Keep it in print.”–J. Byrne, West Georgia College