How To Start A YouTube Channel – The Easy Way: With Charlie & Friends
A real life YouTuber with 435 million views, illustrates and writes about how to be a kid YouTuber:
This YouTube book for kids ‘How To Start A YouTube Channel – The Easy Way’ is the perfect answer in helping kids explore the possibilities and get creative with video.Designed to guide, inform and support kids on starting a YouTube Channel, it covers:
How to get started with making YouTube videos and start a YouTube channel with lots of fun, guidance and safe YouTube video learning from Charlie & Friends!In addition, Charlie has teamed up with Ecologi who will plant trees and build a ‘Charlie & Friends’ forest based on sales of this book. YAY!
It’s the PERFECT GIFT for the budding Kid YouTuber. This fun and EASY TO UNDERSTAND YouTube book for kids offers:
A complete companion to delight readers on the skills and equipment needed to become a YouTuber.
A wonderfully illustrated quality book
A clear YouTube journey with Charlie and friends who show you everything from planning your YouTube videos to filming with green screen
Well laid out and EASY TO FOLLOW STEPS with a conversational narrative all the way through
Activity filled backstage area and EXCLUSIVE advice from top YouTube pros
Over 250 pages of informative YouTube TIPS and TRICKS on how to get started on YouTube
It covers everything you need to know on how to be a YouTuber including:
How to DESIGN your channel and decide on video topics and a channel name
How to CREATE VIDEO storyboards and scripts
How to PLAN your video recording
Suggested equipment, apps and software to help get you started
How to make different types of video such as gaming, vlogs, animation & stop motion
Providing essential editing tips and techniques
An outline of the YouTube upload and promotion process
Key Kid Safe YouTube links for further information and support
Advice on how to STAY SAFE online for kids
Further online safety information and guidance for parents, guardians and teachers
This book will help:
With the ability to think creatively and be resourceful
Encourage conversations and interaction in the home
Provide screen free QUALITY TIME, fun activity and creativity
Support all ages and particularly for 9 to 15 year old kids with video
Improve reading, writing, implementation skills and confidence
Build YouTube and digital video making knowledge and skills
Support hobbies, home learning, holidays, family, creative activities
Encourage creative thinking with ideas, design, video making
Learning about internet safety
‘How To Start A YouTube Channel – The Easy Way’ with Charlie & Friends is the ULTIMATE GIFT for:
Kids who want to start a YouTube channel
Kids who want to be a YouTuber
Kids who ENJOY expressing themselves, their talents and making videos
Parents, guardians and teachers who want to support their kids YouTube video learning
It’s the ultimate book for budding YouTubers. Kids LOVE it!
Also available in Full Colour & Kindle – see Author’s Page