Indonesian Language Student Book: Friends Together for Elementary/MI Class 3
Educational Standard, Curriculum and Assessment Agency;
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology has the task and function of developing educational books in Early Childhood Education, Basic Education and Secondary Education units. The book currently developed refers to the Independent Curriculum, where this curriculum provides freedom for educational units/programs in developing the potential and characteristics of students. The government in this case the Book Center supports the implementation of the Independent Curriculum in early childhood education, primary education and secondary education units by developing the Main Textbook. The main textbook is one of the main learning sources for use in educational units. The reference for preparing the main textbook is the Learning Outcomes for PAUD, SD, SMP, SMA, SDLB, SMPLB and SMALB in the Driving School Program which is determined through the Decree of the Head of the Research and Development and Book Number 028/H/KU/2021 July 9 2021. Book servings are designed in the form of various learning activities to achieve competencies in these Learning Outcomes. This book is used in educational units implementing the Independent Curriculum.
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