[initeq] STM32 ARM STM32F103C8T6 Blue Pill Minimum System Development Board with ST-Link V2 USB Programmer (2-Pack + ST-Link V2)
STM32F103C8T6 ARM STM32 Minimum System Development Board, commonly referred to as the “Blue Pill” board.
Includes two development boards with male pin headers (not soldered) and one ST-Link V2 compatible USB device for programming/debugging.
Powerful ARM Cortex MCU Microcontroller chip clocked at 72MHz Can be flashed with an Arduino-compatible bootloader.
For details, search for “stm32duino blue pill”, also see “stm32duino” and mentions on Hackaday
Includes ST-Link V2 programmer (random color and markings – most are gray, blue, brown/gold, or green)