Inner Alignment Soul Retrieval for Healing Childhood Trauma: a systematic approach to healing the root cause of anxiety and depression
Childhood trauma gets trapped as trauma packets deep within the body, below the conscious mind, in a space that seems inaccessible. The trauma patterns will continue to repeat, wreaking havoc on relationships and blocking the soul’s deepest desires. The
Inner Alignment Soul Retrieval System addresses the original traumas stored at every layer of the body—negative thoughts, death fear emotions, chaotic energies, physical dysregulation, lack of awareness, and spiritual disconnection—to restore wholeness and live in alignment with the Heart. Once the trauma is healed, it must be sustained through neuroscience-based healing principles, building new neural networks; reprogramming thoughts, emotions and behavior; and integrating soul fragments. Healing long-term depression or anxiety is completely possible, and it’s time for healers to become equipped with the precise tools.
“Kim is an extraordinary visionary and healer who has integrated various interventions into a well-defined treatment program to address childhood trauma and the whole person.”
—Jessica Desrosiers, PsyD, Clinical Psychologist
“Kim is utterly REVOLUTIONARY in reshaping trauma recovery where many therapists and psychiatrists are at a silent loss as to how to truly help their clients fully heal. I’ve personally witnessed thousands of students in our global community make profound shifts back into their Hearts to find sustainable peace, joy and long-lasting stability as a result of her trauma work. As an educator and counselor myself, I believe there is no model of healing that’s as complete as the process presented in this book.”
—Daniela Hess Grant, MSEd, CTACC, Co-founder of Yoga Farm Ithaca
“The author is expanding boundaries in the field of trauma recovery… past the limits that confine some mental health practitioners. This book takes the reader on an enlightening deep-dive into healing the traumatic root cause of anxiety and depression through a multi-layered approach.”
—Jennifer Kuebler, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
“In this book, Kim Beekman delineates a comprehensive method for uprooting deeply held trauma patterns through a multi-pronged approach that bridges healing systems and spans dimensions of consciousness. By sharing her wisdom in this very digestible framework, Kim creates a blueprint for burgeoning and seasoned practitioners alike to confidently release trauma from a client’s field
for good. This approach has dramatically shifted my own life, and the lives of my clients, many of whom are healing practitioners still in need of healing childhood trauma.”
—Trish DeRocher, PhD, Professor and Author