Jigsaw Health Pickleball Cocktail Jar, 60 Servings
Start every morning with Jigsaw Pickleball Cocktail — a sugar-free, delicious orange-flavored beverage with 800mg of Potassium, roughly the equivalent of two bananas. It also includes DiMagnesium Malate (a patented, energizing form of Magnesium), as well as Sodium-Chloride from Redmond’s Real Salt which has important trace minerals that regular sodium-chloride doesn’t have. Finally, we don’t use any sugar or caffeine. Zero. Yes, sugar & caffeine can give you a spike in energy… but that’s really just a band-aid. Mix each serving of Jigsaw Pickleball Cocktail into a 16oz bottle of cold water, shake, and enjoy! Why can’t I just drink water? You might be drinking the recommended 8-10 cups of water a day and still not be properly replenished. That’s because most water has been stripped of important electrolytes – especially Magnesium and Potassium – during the process of eliminating contaminants. Did you know there are two types of muscle cramps? If you start cramping during a game, that’s a sign that your body is low in Potassium. If you cramp up in the middle of the night — that’s a sign your body is low in Magnesium.*