Kang Duk Won Korean Karate
About Kang Duk Won: Kang Duk Won is a ‘pre-Funakoshi’ version of Karate, which makes it one of the most pure forms of Karate in the world. It was chosen by the Imperial Bodyguards of three different nations as the martial art of choice. It was the art from which most Korean Karates were developed, and from which Taekwondo was created. About the Author…Al Case began studying the Martial Arts in 1967. He studied Kenpo, Kang Duk Won, Kwon Bup, Wing chun, Aikido, Northern Shaolin Gung Fu, Southern Shaolin Gung Fu, Tai ChiChuan, Pa Kua Chang and more. He began a writer for the martial arts magazines in 1981, and had his own column in Inside Karate. He has written over twomillion wordson the martial arts, which makes him the most prolific martial arts writer of all time. He is currently living on a mountain top in Southern California, where he is building a martial arts temple.