Kubota Harvester Accessories (788/888 Diesel Tank Rubber Bent Pipe) Original Factory 26770
Dear Sir/Madam, Thank you for visiting our store!
?The quality of our products is original quality, the price is proportional to the material and it is a very durable product.
?Please feel free to place your order, you can always feel free to consult the customer service.
?If you receive a damaged/incorrect or missing item, please contact us and we will do our best to help you.
?All products are imported parts abroad.
?If you can’t find the required parts in the shop, you can try to contact customer service.
?Customer service online time: 9 am-23 pm
If the customer service does not reply, you can wait for our reply, and the customer service will reply to you as soon as possible after seeing the information. Thank you so much
?If you have a quality problem for the goods you sign, please contact the customer service to handle it. We will give a solution, please rest assured.
Your satisfaction is our motivation!
Due to differences in distance, weight of accessories, and transportation methods, the shipping fee will be settled based on the actual amount incurred (the shipping fee indicated for small accessories is the standard, for reference only). For areas with high delivery fees, please contact customer service to select the appropriate one and change the shipping fee. For heavyweight items that are not urgently needed, it is recommended to use shipping. All purchased accessories are combined and packaged together to calculate the overall shipping cost, fully saving your expenses. Large quantities offer discounts, please consult 051088270017 for specific shipping fees and details. Returns without quality reasons will incur reasonable expenses. When selecting a product, please make sure to check if it meets your needs.
The pictures of the item are for reference only, and the actual product received is subject to the description in the item title.
The physical store of our store specializes in selling authentic accessories made in China for harvesters and transplanters such as Kubotian, Yangma, the Taihu Lake, Datong, Jingguan, Guoji, Fengling, Toyo, etc., with a complete variety. Total sales include Hangzhou Zhongce Yonggu Track, Donghua Ziqiang Chain, Wuxi Asia Pacific Unidirectional Clutch, Japan Handong Belt, Zhengzhen NSK, KOYO and other harvester specific bearings. We have been specializing in the distribution of parts for semi feed harvesters for over 20 years, and were among the earliest in mainland China to engage in the sales, maintenance, technical consultation, and localization of parts for semi feed harvesters. Our physical stores have customers in various provinces and regions including Northeast, East, Central, South, and Southwest China, and have now developed into a comprehensive accessory center in our industry. Annual acquisition and sales of new and old harvesters and rice transplanters, providing maintenance and consulting services for the entire harvester. The business varieties cover Kubota series (48