Maude: Season 1
Product Description
Emmy(r) Award-winner Beatrice Arthur stars in this beloved, groundbreaking sitcom created by Norman Lear. Maude was first introduced as Edith Bunker’s outspoken, liberal cousin on the classic TV show “All in the Family.” Her spinoff, set in Tuckahoe, New York, focuses on Maude’s daily adventures at home with fourth husband Walter (Bill Macy), divorced daughter Carol (Adrienne Barbeau), and Carol’s son Phillip. Joining in on the fun is housekeeper Florida (Esther Rolle, TV’s “Good Times”), and conservative next-door neighbor Arthur (Conrad Bain, TV’s “Diff’rent Strokes”). Guest stars include Rue McClanahan (TV’s “The Golden Girls”), John Amos (TV’s “Good Times”), and Tom Bosley (TV’s “Happy Days”). Blessed with some of the best TV comedy writing ever, along with controversial plotlines, the show is just as hilarious and surprising today as it was when it debuted in the top ten in the early 1970s. Full of memorable one-liners, including her famous warning “God’ll get you for th
Lest anyone doubt that
Maude was part of the great second golden age of TV sitcoms in the mid-’70s, the first season of the show will lay those doubts to rest. The inimitable Bea Arthur, who won an Emmy for the role, is the uber-feminist-realist at the center of a loving, slightly dysfunctional family in the Norman Lear series. Arthur, and Maude, are fearless in confronting issues of the day, from abortion and penalties for marijuana possession to the real heartbreak post-divorce. The supporting cast is first-rate, too, including Adrienne Barbeau as Maude’s daughter, Carol, who’s come home to nest after a traumatic divorce; Bill Macy as Maude’s beleaguered
fourth husband, Walter; and the beloved, fearless Esther Rolle as housekeeper Florida Evans. Despite the roiling issues and confrontation s in each episode, nothing rattles Maude, who became something of a role model for women trying to navigate through turbulent changing times. Sample dialogue: Maude: “When he says wife, he means possession.” Walter: “So what, Maude? You told me a hundred times you want to be possessed.” Maude: “Walter Findlay, I never said that standing up and you know it.” Maude speaks her mind in all 20 episodes–and if you don’t like it, God’ll get you for that. —
A.T. Hurley
Stills from Maude (click for larger image)
Beyond Maude at
Bea Arthur on Broadway