Money Secrets: How to Build and Preserve Wealth for the Risk Averse
★★★★★ “A must read for anyone who wants to be financially free!” – Nick
Money Secrets provides shows how easy it is to build wealth and work towards financial freedom.
Everyone has missed an investment opportunity that would have made them wealthy beyond measure. Just because one opportunity is missed, it doesn’t mean we have to repeat the mistakes.◆ Every decade brings a new investing opportunity, learn how to capture the opportunity!
But how many decades do we have in our lives to overlook such opportunities? If you missed the shot to invest in Apple stock 20 years ago, you missed the chance with Amazon stock 10 years ago.◆ See how you will not miss the next great opportunity in the history of mankind!
Let’s begin with a question: given two choices as follows, what would you choose between being able to go back and change the past, or see the future?
If you choose the red pill, you will see the future 10 years later. At that time, monetary technology changed the whole world in a way that no other technology had ever done before. Going back to the present, you can invest in that technology right now. ” What will you choose, the blue one or the red one?
◆ This book focuses on proven techniques, and strategies that can be used to start building wealth today!
It gives a fundamental background of what money is, where it came from and what the future of money looks like.
Do yourself the favor and don’t let more opportunities slip you by …