My Cigar Experience: An accompanying journal to document your personal cigar journey. Personal Cigar Review Book. GREAT GIFT for aficionados and beginners!
“My Cigar Experience” is an accompanying journal to document your own personal cigar journey. Whether you are a beginner trying to discover and document your favorite brands of cigars or an aficionado/enthusiast that wants to expand their knowledge and share it with others, this book is a great conversation piece and also great gift! The book itself has the design of a fine glass and wooden humidor and will turn heads and have guests asking about it. It is also a great miniature size for traveling abroad and continuing your journey within the world of cigars.FEATURES* 5″ X 8″ in size* Small size for easy traveling. Can be taken anywhere. Or it can stay at home as a great humidor companion.* Up to 80 pages of space to write notes. Each page is assigned for one cigar to be documented and reviewed.* A designated space at the top of each page to affix your collection of cigar labels.* Fields of documentation include: Brand/Factory Name, Country, Style/Strength, Leaf/Wrapper, Binder/Filler, Age Options, Flavor Notes, Pairings for food and beverage, other Miscellaneous Notes, and finally your personal rating from 0-5!ENJOY!!!