Narata Storytelling Cards – 200 Illustrated Cards – Plot Novels Movies – Brainstorming Tool – 10 Card Categories – Booklet with Story Structure Tips
Narata is a creative tool for screenwriters, novelists, short story writers, filmmakers, visual artists, stand-up comedians, actors, advertising executives, art directors, TV show runners, songwriters, poets, playwrights, game designers, roleplaying game masters, comics creators, or any other kind of storyteller.
200 fully illustrated cards display a variety of characters, situations, locations, etc. A few cards picked at random can suggest surprising story possibilities that may not otherwise occur to you. Narata can also be used to methodically brainstorm and develop complete three-act stories from scratch. You find suggestions for working with Narata in the 24 page booklet.
As an example, say you shuffle the Narata deck and pick these cards: Small Town, Clown, Demon. You could have come up with the concept for that famous bestselling horror novel.
A card doesn’t have to be read literally. If for example you’re writing a crime story, the character card Artist could suggest a grifter who’s really good at what he does. The field of associations expands the meaning of each card even more.
The sturdy two-piece box – 3.9” x 5.9” x 1.8” (100 x 150 x 45 mm) – contains 200 cards in full colour. Each card is poker size – 2.5” x 3.5” (63.5 x 88.9 mm) – and printed on high quality card stock – 310 gsm Black Core. Linen texture prevents cards sticking together.
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