Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder
Product Description
Rooted in both ABA and developmental theory, Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions (NDBI) are some of today’s most effective, evidence-based, and widely used interventions for autism spectrum disorder. Prepare tomorrow’s autism professionals for success in the field with this graduate-level textbook, the first comprehensive introduction to the principles and practices of NDBI.
Future professionals will start with a clear and detailed overview of NDBI, examining how these approaches use natural environments and personal interests to motivate the child and bring about lasting improvements in skills and behavior. Then they’ll explore the foundational principles of NDBI, take an in-depth look at the most successful NDBI models, and learn how to use specific NDBI strategies to improve child outcomes.
Prepare future professionals to:
Identify quality indicators of NDBI programs
Understand how proven NDBI models, including Pivotal Response Treatment, Early Start Denver, Enhanced Milieu Teaching, and Project ImPACT fit in the NDBI framework
Select meaningful skills to teach children within their natural environment
Write measurable and attainable goals across developmental domains
Empower parents to use NDBI strategies during everyday interactions with their children
Use NDBI strategies to support children in inclusive environments
Enhance children’s communication skills, social competence, and play skills
Support positive behavior and self-regulation using an NDBI framework
Work NDBI strategies into school-based activities and lessons
COMPANION MATERIALS: Enhance your instruction with downloadable versions of the datasheets and other forms, sample syllabi to help you integrate this book into your course, PowerPoint decks that summarize key takeaways from the chapters to guide lectures, and a 158-question multiple-choice test bank to help you build course assessments and quizzes.
“A call to action that operationalizes an empathic approach to each child. Well researched, and laying out [NDBI] principles clearly and broadly, [this book] can lead the field toward more humane and effective care. ” —Joshua D Feder, MD, Editor in Chief, The Carlat Child Psychiatry Report
— Joshua D Feder, MD
About the Author
Yvonne Bruinsma, Ph.D., BCBA-D, In STEPPS and In STEPPS Academy, Irvine, CA. Dr. Bruinsma is CEO and founder of In STEPPS and In STEPPS Academy in Irvine, California, a behavioral health agency and a nonprofit private school for children with autism in California. She is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and received her doctorate in special education, developmental disabilities, and risk studies in 2004. She has been working with families and teaching others how to work with families by using NDBI strategies for over 20 years. Yvonne’s focus is to blend research and reality in the highest quality treatment in a community setting.
Laura Schreibman, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Psychology, University of California, San Diego (UCSD), 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, California 92093. Dr. Laura Schreibman directs the UCSD Autism Intervention Research Program, a federally funded research program focusing on the experimental analysis and treatment of autism. A co-developer of Pivotal Response Training, her general research interests include naturalistic behavioral intervention strategies, development of individualized treatment protocols, analysis of language and attentional deficits, generalization of behavior change, parent training, and issues of assessment. She is the author of three books and more than 120 research articles and book chapters.
Aubyn C. Stahmer, Ph.D., BCBA, Research Scientist, Psychologist, Rady Children’s Hospital, 3020 Children’sWay,MC5033, San Diego, California 92123. Dr. Stahmer is a research scientist and clinical psychologist at Rady Children’s Hospital and the Child and Adolescent Services Research Center. She has published many scholarly ar