Oberton Pro “Tuulu Altai” Jaw Harp – Strange Tiny Thing for Unusual Entertainment
“Tuula Altai” – one of the most inexpensive and best for its price jews harps for occasional entertainment or for children. Minimally-balanced, but a soft melodic sound, which is the expectations of beginners mouth (teeth) musical instruments. In comparison to similar priced more loud and rich jews harps, this one has no parasite background sounds, allowing player hear better acoustic reaction to his own physical actions.
Modern incarnation of ancient mouth (teeth) musical instruments. Made in small workshop in Altai mountains (Siberia/Russia).
Jew’s harp is one of the oldest musical instruments in the world with pocket size. Almost forgotten in the last century harp made a few masters in all parts of the world, and over the past 10 years even improved in acoustic terms. Its rhythmic possibilities are endless and ability to change timbre in extreme, unusual ways are spectacular. Pure melodic playing with distinct overtones is possible too (with best musical models). It is easy to play and does not require musical training. To produce first sound, two frame ends must be hardly pressed to upper and lower teeth – not to lips – with left hand. Right index finger will be stroke reed elbow at direction, perpendicular to frame plane, inward and outward. The frame must not be squeezed with lips, teeth and hand! Jaw harp, juice harp, mouth harp, ozark harp, trump, jew’s trump are obsolete or wrong names of the jew’s harp. This name has nothing common with the Jewish people. Other names for jew’s harp in various regions of the world are: vargan, khomus, guimbarde, maultrommel, munnharpe, kubyz, dan moi, mondharp, temir-komuz, morsing, morchang, doromb, parmupill. More than 1000 names are known.