Olive Oil Soap: Natural Soapmaking | Handmade Soap Making Journal | Making Soap Naturally | Essential Oil Soap Making
The Handmade Soap Making Journal is for people who make their own soap as a hobby or to sell. With this Soap Making Journal, you can keep track of specific recipes you try, record how they turn out, and also note down packaging, visual and fragrance descriptions. An additional lined journal page comes right after the recipe page for additional notes. There are a variety of methods available for hobbyists to make soap. Many soapmakers use processes where the glycerol remains in the product, and the saponification continues for many days after the soap is poured into molds. The glycerol is left during the hot-process method, but at the high temperature employed, the reaction is practically completed in the kettle, before the soap is poured into molds. Handmade soap made from the cold process also differs from industrially made soap in that an excess of fat is used, beyond that needed to consume the alkali, and the glycerol left in acts as a moisturizing agent. However, the glycerine also makes the soap softer. Addition of glycerol and processing of this soap produces glycerin soap. Superfatted soap is more skin-friendly than one without extra fat, although it can leave a “greasy” feel. Sometimes, an emollient is added, such as jojoba oil or shea butter. List the following: Soap Name Yield Date Process Mold Temperature Visual Description Fragrance Description Lyes and Liquids Oils Additives Notes Journal Page Keep track of your hobby in the Handmade Soap Making Journal – the perfect gift for Christmas.