Organize and Declutter Your Home the High-Tech Way
Can technology provide a solution to the challenging problems of unsightly clutter and disorganization? The answer is Yes….In this revolutionary book, Personal Organization Coach and veteran database developer, Robert Palmer, shows how to use the power of database technology to organize and declutter your home with Ease and Efficiency.This book is a “must read” if you have:
Too many things you rarely use taking up space and collecting dust in your home;
A home that is “messy”;
Spent too much time trying to find items you know you have (somewhere?);
Long forgotten or rarely used clothing taking up space in your closets;
Difficulty keeping clutter under control;
Felt overwhelmed by all the “stuff” you have accumulated;
Not yet achieved what you envision for your home’s style and decor.
This educational journey begins with an exploration into the impact that clutter and disorganization can have on your life, and of the burdensome cycle of having to always play catch-up as disorganization and clutter creep back into your home. The cycle that this book will show you how to break out of.You will then learn strategies for determining what to keep, what to discard and what to store away, and develop an understanding of the most effective methods to manage clutter and organize your home. With a strong conceptual foundation established, the later chapters show how to use database technology to:
Develop a highly efficient Bin Storage System;
Organize and manage Home Storage Areas;
Manage clothing storage to Free Closet Space.
The knowledge and skills you will gain by reading this book will enable you to:
Get clutter under control and keep it that way;
Know exactly where things are stored in your home, so you can find things when you need them, even years later;
Manage the deluge of small items that can accumulate over time;
Develop a highly efficient day-to-day organizing process;
Know exactly what you own (down to the smallest items), so that you never have to go out and buy something you already own, but forgot you have;
And Much More!
By reading this book you will receive a plethora of valuable tips, insights and information to help you meet the challenges of home organization.(Note that the primary digital technology discussed in this book must be purchased separately.)