ORIJEN Dry Dog Food for All ages, Original, Grain Free, High Protein, Fresh & Raw Animal Ingredients, 13lb


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Nourish your dog as nature intended with orijen’s original Biologically Appropriate dog food. Mother nature did it best, and Orijen is following her lead with a nutrient-dense dry dog food that’s modeled after the diet dogs are evolved to eat. Orijen Original features free-run chicken and turkey, wild-caught Fish, and cage-free eggs that make up 85% of the ingredient list, with no gluten, potato, or tapioca. Unlike conventional dog food, 2/3 of the animal ingredients in this recipe are fresh or raw, so each bite is bursting with nutritional goodness and taste.
orijen pet food strives to give your dog the most Biologically Appropriate and nourishing diet possible. Prepared exclusively in orijen’s privately owned dog Star kitchen, This food features fresh, regional ingredients that are harvested by people We trust and delivered to our kitchen fresh or raw. Orijen dry dog food follows the wholeprey philosophy, featuring whole Animal ingredients that mirror what an animal would eat in nature. It contains appropriate ratios of meat, organs, and cartilage or bone. The result is a protein-rich dog food that’s loaded with a variety of quality animal ingredients to keep your canine companion happy, healthy, and thriving. Freeze-Dried Coated

ORIJEN Dry Dog Food for All ages, Original, Grain Free, High Protein, Fresh & Raw Animal Ingredients, 13lb
ORIJEN Dry Dog Food for All ages, Original, Grain Free, High Protein, Fresh & Raw Animal Ingredients, 13lb


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