Our Spiritual Wake-Up Calls, Mahanta Transcripts, Book 15
Experiencing the loving presence of God is no great mystery. Too often we simply don’t recognize it. But it’s all around us, in the most common comings and goings of our daily lives.
Consider the man who wanted confirmation about a job and saw a billboard that read, “If you’re looking for a sign from God, this is it.” It’s often that simple!
What we sometimes need is not just to listen but to hear–not just to look, but to truly see.
Our Spiritual Wake-Up Calls, the fifteenth book of the MAHANTA TRANSCRIPTS series, shows you how to see these spiritual clues and let more of God’s love and guidance flow into your life.
You’ll discover how God communicates through dreams, the people you meet, a song on the radio, a suddenly remembered conversation, or even a newspaper comic strip. Divine Spirit picks the vehicle that is available at any particular moment.
Learn how you are in the grasp of divine love every moment of every day.
The transcripts in this book are highlights from Harold Klemp’s talks worldwide. They offer study aids for greater spiritual understanding and are an excellent introduction to Eckankar.