Preparing for the Underground Church: Korean – English Bilingual Edition (Korean English Bilingual Collection) (Volume 1)
Product Description
The Korean – English bilingual 2nd edition of Rev. Richard Wurmbrand’s Preparing for the Underground Church. KOREA’S GROWING SEXUAL REVOLUTION WILL BE MORE DEADLY TO THE SOUTH KOREAN CHURCH THAN THE COMMUNIST REVOLUTION WAS TO THE NORTH KOREAN CHURCH. It is hard to imagine that our Korean churches could be driven underground simply because our views on sex increasingly differ from those of Korean society. Yet as early as 80 years ago, many enemies of the church worldwide were drawing exactly this conclusion: Sex, not socialism, would destroy Christianity. Sadly, the battle has already been lost in the West. Today, gay marriage is legal in America and Europe; most Western Christians support gay marriage; and many denominations permit openly gay pastors. Christians who oppose these changes face increasing discrimination, restrictions on religious practice, and public hostility. Hostility toward the church in the free world was predicted more than 40 years ago by Rev. Richard Wurmbrand, the founder of the Voice of the Martyrs. He wrote Preparing for the Underground Church to help the church prepare for the difficulties that are beginning to come upon it here in Korea. Rev. Foley’s introductory essay shows how Rev. Wurmbrand’s insights are especially applicable to Korean Christians today.
About the Author
Rev. Richard Wurmbrand was the founder of the Voice of the Martyrs. He was imprisoned for fourteen years and tortured for Christ under Romanian Communists after World War II. After Rev. Wurmbrand was ransomed by Christians in the West, he began to travel the world to share the story of persecuted Christians. As he traveled, his anguish grew as he witnessed the church in the free world going down the same path he had seen it go in his homeland—the path of putting too much faith in the church’s strength and too much trust in the government, as well as sleeping while sin—including sexual sin–gained influence in the culture. Rev. Wurmbrand saw the urgent need to prepare the Church that lived in freedom for difficult times ahead and the decline in Christian values that he was sure was coming. He is the author of more than 18 books, some of which have been translated into 38 different languages, including the best-selling Tortured for Christ, available through Voice of the Martyrs Korea. The Rev. Dr. Eric Foley is the co-founder and CEO of Voice of the Martyrs Korea, which seeks to keep the martyr’s spirit alive in the Korean church. He is the author of four books including These are the Generations, which he co-wrote with underground North Korean Christians. Foley is a sought-after speaker, analyst, and project consultant on North Korean Christianity and global Christian persecution, appearing regularly in the media and providing counsel to religious, academic, and civic leaders. Rev. Foley received his doctorate from Case Western Reserve University’s Weatherhead School of Management in Cleveland, Ohio. He is an ordained pastor of The Evangelical Church of North America. Mr. Knight is the founder of Voice of the Martyrs Australia and the Archivist and Wurmbrand historian for the International Christian Association, the fellowship of Voice of the Martyrs organizations worldwide. He worked and traveled with Rev. Wurmbrand for 31 years and is the author of Richard Wurmbrand: The Man and His Work.