Red Super Strong Pellets 100 Grams Level3 Color Pellets – Jenong
Original product
Premium QUALITY!
*Strong Color/coloring quickly
And max
*Head Ups/maximizes
Janong development
*Body Growth/maximize
Growth and thicken body
S size only 2mm available
Net berry of 100gr-50gr
Level3 PELLETS Champion Fish Pellet!
Level3 Pellet is a splash feed with the best quality imported bases and certainly safe
Always maintain its quality and freshness
It has been proven to be safe to consume for the long term because it contains anti oxidant,height protein,vitamins rich & minerals
Guaranteed fish must be waste to have a syniphical effect in no time
Level3 Pellets are widely worn and proven by both contest players and lobby hobbyists, so there is no need to hesitate to try it!
Happy Shopping
Greetings Jenong!
Greetings Menor!
Happy gromes!