Release: Create a Clutter Free and Soul Driven Life
Product Description
Most of us are overwhelmed by stuff that is not essential to our lives and is out of alignment with our true spiritual nature. Although our souls are inherently free, we also have an ego mind that orients us toward fear, scarcity, self-preservation, and holding on. With the ego mind in the driver’s seat of our lives, we accumulate clutter. Physical clutter is the most obvious, but we are also burdened with mental, emotional, energetic, and relationship clutter. All forms of clutter reflect the same thing; a soul not being true to itself. Release: Create a Clutter Free and Soul Driven Life provides practical strategies to release clutter in your inner and outer environments and create a more soul-directed life. It introduces the skills of presence, mindfulness, resonance, and inspired action to put you on the road to freedom; free to live with only the things that help you share your love with the world in your unique ways.
“Pick up this book for any of the following reasons: You are tired of the clutter in your house; you are tired of the negativity in your head and the fear in your heart; you want a more vibrant connection to life; you want to put your soul in charge of your life. Peggy teaches us that clutter in all of its forms–in your house, in your heart, in your work, in your world–is realIy about a “soul not being true to itself.” I can’t imagine anyone who won’t benefit from reading this book and putting its wisdom into practice.”
-Elizabeth Lesser, cofounder Omega Institute, author of the NY Times bestselling book, Broken Open, as well as Cassandra Speaks, The Seeker’s Guide, and Marrow.
“Peggy assists you in releasing what holds you back from fully embracing life. What you are left with is not only a physical clearing of space, but a deeply spiritual, profound freedom to live.”
-James Van Praagh, Master Teacher, Spiritual Medium, and author of the NY Times bestselling book, Talking to Heaven, as well as Unfinished Business, Adventures of the Soul, and The Power of Love.
“YOU’RE ALL IN LUCK! one of the most amazing people on the planet has written a book. peggy is extraordinary, wise, kind + magical. i’m lucky enough to call her a member of my soul tribe. buy this book for anyone you love … especially yourself.”
-Monica Lewinsky, anti-bullying activist, TedTalk speaker, and VanityFair contributor.
“Release is my guide and companion for the New Year. Peggy Fitzsimmons has given us a toolkit for shedding the clutter of the past and creating space for the future.”
-Barnet Bain, Award-winning filmmaker of What Dreams May Come and
Milton’s Secret
, and author of The Book of Doing and Being: Rediscovering Creativity in Life, Love and Work.
“Peggy is a rare individual whose contagious lightness of being somehow sets our hearts and minds free. Letting go of what no longer serves becomes a “release party” instead of a chore. I’m thrilled we can now carry Peggy’s wisdom in our pockets and tap into the magical alchemy that happens in her presence. Release: Create a Clutter Free and Soul Driven Life
is an invitation to live a higher truth, with practical tools to honor the longings of your soul to be free.”
-Leza Danly, Founder, Lucid Living, Inc.
is an activator, illuminator and presence reflector. The title alone will move you, the leaping soul words on the pages will free you.”
-SARK, Succulent Wild Woman at
From the Author
Let’s help each other remember who we are! All forms of clutter reflect the same thing- a soul not being true to itself.
About the Author
Peggy Fitzsimmons holds a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Arizona State University, and has worked in the fields of counseling and healing for over 25 years. Peggy counseled adolescents and adults with mental health and addiction issues in a variety of clinical settings, including private practice, wilderness therapy, psychiatric inpatient, and residential treatment.