Repair Your Credit After Bankruptcy Like the Pros: How to restore your credit, raise your credit score, and qualify to buy a home using legal strategy and smart planning (Credit Like the Pros)
Repair Your Credit After Bankruptcy Like the Pros reveals how credit attorneys and credit repair specialists remove a bankruptcy from a credit report in a manner that is legal in all 50 states and complies with FACTA. Don’t shoot yourself in the foot by shooting in the dark. Learn the legal strategies and set yourself up to qualify to buy a house.
This book includes letters to the credit reporting agencies, creditors, bankruptcy court, and mortgage company that the reader can copy and customize to fit their own situation. These are purposefully and strategically written by the author, not available on the Internet or elsewhere.
While there is never a guarantee in the credit repair business, if you execute your work like the pros, then you can expect to get results like the pros.