Saidimen-PLUS (ZYMETIN-PLUS) 500 G.
Sydimens – PLUS (ZYMETIN-PLUS) 500 g.
– It is a Probiotic substance made from living microorganisms, which are beneficial to shrimp and aquatic animals to help balance the digestive tract.
– Helps to strengthen shrimp and aquatic animals
– Increase the efficiency of digestion and absorption of nutrients The microorganisms produce enzymes, starch, protein and fat.
Rate of use
– Use sydimensium Plus 5-10 g / food 1 kg, add 150 cc. User together and mix it with food for shrimp.
And aquatic animals or
– Use sydimensium Plus 5-10 g / 1 kg food mixed together. And sprinkle water with about 150 cc.
And then bring it to shrimp and aquatic animals
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