Seven Spirits Burning: The Christocentric Operation of the Seven Spirits of God
Product Description
And out of the throne go forth lightnings, and voices, and thunders; and seven lamps of fire, burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God – Rev. 4:5 John Crowder’s long-awaited Seven Spirits Burning is an extensive, Biblical plunge into the nature and operation of the sevenfold Spirit of God. This book unpackages a deep theological and Christocentric understanding of the seven Spirits. John has taught for years on the seven Spirits, but not until now has he released this detailed compilation of his study and experience. This book could possibly be the magnum opus of anything written to date on the Spirit’s sevenfold nature. It is a must read for anyone interested in walking in the anointing. This is a pneumatology book (a study of the Holy Spirit), and explores the fullness of the Godhead that dwells within each believer because of their union with Christ.
About the Author
John Crowder is an internationally recognized author, speaker and advocate of supernatural Christianity. John is on the forefront of a fresh renewal movement marked by ecstatic joy, miracles and recovering the foundational preaching of the cross of grace. As founder of Sons of Thunder Ministries & Publications, John hosts massive evangelism campaigns in some of the poorest areas of the world. SOT also houses, clothes, feeds and educates orphaned and abandoned children. His team hosts mission trips, bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ into some of the most dangerous places on the globe – in addition to visiting the poor in garbage dumps, leper colonies and war zones. John has authored seven books, including: Money. Sex. Beer. God., Chosen for Paradise, Cosmos Reborn, Mystical Union, Seven Spirits Burning, The New Mystics, and The Ecstasy of Loving God. He also publishes a number of multimedia resources, including a bi-annual magazine, The Ecstatic. John broadcasts a free weekly video teaching – The Jesus Trip – featuring fresh teaching. John also offers a monthly Web seminar for subscribers called Inner Sanctum at TheNewMystics.TV John hosts multiple supernatural equipping schools throughout the year, called Mystical Schools. These are three-day intensives aimed at instilling a theology of grace and the finished work of the cross, while activating believers in a miraculous, Spirit-filled life of creative miracles. He also speaks at conferences, seminars and churches worldwide. John, his wife Lily, and their four children find satisfaction in the simplicity of loving God and demonstrating the finished works of the Cross. They are founders of Cana New Wine Seminary. John carries a vision to see mystical, supernatural Christianity restored to the church and for revival to burn to the margins of society. Find out more about the Crowders and Sons of Thunder at