Shadow Work Journal and Workbook for Beginners | Personal Self Help Book with Questions and Prompts that Will Take You into the Wild of Your Inner Shadows: Love Your Inner Child
Each of us carries demons within us…
Sometimes we see glimpses of them, sometimes we witness them in full chaos, but for the most part we ignore and hide their existence either out of fear, guilt or pure shame. However, discovering and owning our demons is an essential part of our spiritual journey. These demons are our shadow, and the way to heal them is to
work with the shadow.”Underneath the social mask we wear every day, we have a hidden shadow side: an impulsive, wounded, sad or isolated part that we usually try to ignore. The shadow can be a source of emotional richness and vitality, and acknowledging it can be a path to healing and authentic living.”
In other words, the Shadow is not just a wounded part of us, but also a path to a more authentic and fulfilling life. To repair, heal, and grow on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level,
we must practice Shadow Work.Shadow Work is a practice that helps you become whole again. It works on the premise that you must 100% own your Shadow (accept and acknowledge it as part of you), rather than avoid or suppress it, in order to experience full healing.
This difficult and often frightening task is a requirement for every person. But you don’t have to walk this path alone…
I have an amazing workbook for you that is a guide to working with Shadow. After years of studying and working with the Shadow, I’ll share with you the best tools, insights and advice I’ve gathered so far…see for yourself 🙂
Good luck and may the power be with you !