SIM RACING TRAINING BOOK: Racing Games Journal to help you learn tracks, improve your lap times by drawing and noting down driving lines, apex points, … intermediate or competitive Simracer
Sim Racing Training Book
This log book is an essential tool that will allow all SimRacers, whether they are occasional or competitive, to learn tracks, analyse and optimize their Driving.
For each tracks make note of your braking points, driving lines, apex points, braking references, corner speed, gear, acceleration points for each corner and try to adjust them to make your time faster.
The process of writing down this information will help you recall all the details to know all the circuits in every details that will allow you getting faster and faster.
✔ RACE TRACK PAGES – Draw the circuit, number the turns and note the important elements to master it.
✔ DOT GRID PAGES – Draw the corners and the driving line, apex points, and everything you need for easy memorization
✔ NOTE PAGES – Note dawn all the things you fell might need to memorize tracks, Car setup,…
✔ LAP TIME SHEET – Keep track of your best times for each track, each car and each game.
144 pages to be completed for up to 35 tracks – Designed to be usable no matter what cars or game you like to play
Large 7 x 10 size (17.78 x25.4 cm)
Cover : Glossy
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