Spears of the Mossi: A Historical Survey of the Minds of African Warrior Scholars vol.1
For thousands of years Mother Afrika has been under attack by conspirators looking to gain access to its knowledge, wisdom, sciences, culture, customs, traditions, and much more. From spears to pen members of Kofi Piesie Research Team tackle issues of Afrika and Afrikans in the diaspora from misconceptions infused on Ancient Km.t while facing the treatment of Afrikans displayed in Human Zoos along the way. From the rhythm of the drum the authors uncover the heart beat of every Afrikan nation while understanding the importance of procreation and how life evolves. Redeeming the Afrikan mind has always been a vocal point of the authors while addressing religious misconceptions that have people confusing Whydah with Judah. Kofi Piesie Research Team backed by the Mossi Warrior Clan has armed themselves scholastically to advance knowledge by any means necessary with The Historical Survey of the Minds of African Warrior Scholars vol. 1.