St. John the Evangelist Prayer Journal
St. John the Evangelist (6 A.D. — 99 A.D.) was the youngest of the Twelve Disciples. At the Last Supper, he was the one who was permitted to lay his head on Jesus’ chest, and he was the only disciple who accompanied Jesus to the Cross at Calvary. As an Apostle he performed miracles, wrote the Gospel of John, three epistle letters, and the Apocalypse (also known as the Revelation of John or the Book of Revelations.) St. John the Evangelist is one of the prominent saints in all of Christendom. In the Catholic Church he is the patron saint of writers, booksellers, art dealers, printers, and friendships. This prayer journal contains beautiful illustrations and a treasury of information to help increase your devotion: two biographies of St. John; two novenas, including a Biblical Novena; a collection of intercessory prayers; quotes from Scripture and reflections; and 75 lined pages for you to record your own notes and prayer intentions.